Cutting out coffee

Micah Crenwelge, health

I'm taking 3 weeks off of caffiene (among other things) to see if it helps with my acid reflux. I went to the ENT recently to try and figure out why I was snoring. He inserted a long skinny camera up my sinus, directed it at the back of my throat and saw that my esophogus was red and inflamed, indicating I might be having acid reflux in my sleep.

I am not noticing any acid reflux symptoms during the day, but in order to troubleshoot the problem he suggested that I do "reflux therapy" in order to let the inflamation go down. I am supposed to take the next 3 weeks off of caffiene, alchohol, nicoteine, and cut back on some other acid causing foods.

In order to make cutting out my coffee more managable, I started off by drinking green tea which is roughly 1/3 the caffiene content of coffee. Since then I have starting drinking mint tea which has no caffeine. Mint tea is no substitute for a good cup of coffee, but I am enjoying the flavor and that it leaves a cool refreshing after taste in contrast to the bitter coffee it replaced.

So far the caffiene withdrawels have been brutal. I have had headaches a couple of the days, but the rest of the time I am getting tired much earlier then usual. Yesterday I felt an intense desire for a nap around 3pm which is highly unusual for me when I am taking my adderall. The combination of caffiene and adderall seems to very effectively keep me awake, if I take time off of either one I become incredibly tired for quite a few days until my body is no longer dependent on them.

Honestly the sleep has been nice, and I'm looking forward to an incredible first cup of coffee when I get back on caffiene.

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